Putting the Pieces Together: Critical Alignment for a Disjointed Workforce

Leaders managing the affects of reorganization and change may find themselves taking on more roles and working with a different group of team members with a different set of dynamics. The past year has required change, redirection, new strategies, reskilling, and a lot of communication! The teams they are working with are adjusting, learning, multi-tasking, and perhaps even bracing themselves for more change or the possibility of job loss.

With all of these factors, internal colleagues face the challenge of working together efficiently. Even if they have already adopted a new common process for workflow, it’s likely that they come to their roles with different skill sets and are also managing more responsibilities than they were previously.

As a leader in the midst of so much ongoing change, it is vital to understand how to encourage and enable team members to work together efficiently. With so many unknowns and pieces to fit together, frameworks for inspiring performance are incredibly helpful especially when you consider the potential costs of doing nothing.

Provided you have worked through the new goals for growth and your approach to the market, there are questions you might ask in order to determine needed synergies:

1.  Are your teams working in a cohesive way or are they using different approaches for working with customers or solving problems? How does this impact customer satisfaction?

2.  Are your internal organizations utilizing resources well, keeping in mind how decisions they make impact the organization overall?  If not, what is the mismanagement costing you?

3.  Are team members adopting common workflow processes or are they working in opposition to each other? How does this impact employee satisfaction and productivity?

4.  Is there a point at which insight is lacking between departments? What does this cost you in missed opportunities, rework, or unhappy customers?

5.  Are the relationships between departments trusting and positive or mistrusting and antagonistic? How does this impact morale and collaboration?

6.  Are members of the sales, services and supporting operations aware of corporate goals, and are they working with their team members to achieve them?

7.  Do your team members feel appreciated for the work they are doing to change, adapt, and excel in a new situation?

With answers to these questions, next steps for aligning and creating efficiencies will emerge. They might fall into several areas of focus: developing awareness of organizational goals, creating accountability to work together to achieve common goals, outlining common approaches, ensuring that common insight is shared internally and with customers, and training for how to communicate and work together to execute those common approaches.

These are all part of what Acclivus research calls S3 Alignment – the alignment of sales, services, and support organizations to work together more effectively, the results of which are multifaceted to include measurable increases in revenue, profit, and employee and customer loyalty.

Would you like to find out how your organization measures up in terms of alignment? Click HERE to inquire about the Acclivus S3 Alignment assessment and consultation.

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