Qualifying the Potential and Probability of all Opportunities while Selling Virtually
Participants learn to fully qualify new and existing opportunities to help them prioritize their time and resources so that they focus most heavily on those opportunities that have the greatest potential and probability.
Participants learn to effectively probe for a customer’s goals, problems and needs, as well as decision process, financial factors, and competition for the opportunity – and timing as it relates to each factor. They learn to use the insight gained in qualifying to identify and overcome competitive challenges, determine a solution that fits with the customer’s budget, make the best use of their time, and ensure that all relevant decision makers are included in a presentation.
Participants learn to create relationships at multiple levels in a customer organization in order to refine their insight, increase opportunities, and expand and insulate their position within the account. They learn to work effectively with gatekeepers. Participants learn how to be even more deliberate and strategic with their qualifying techniques when confined to a virtual meeting platform.